

Pipeline Development & Qualification

  • Deep-Dive 90-minute Pipeline Strategy Kick Off with Client

  • Three collaborative qualification meetings with client team (60 min/mtg)

  • d8 In-depth analysis and prioritization of remaining top opportunities

  • Final prioritized opportunities list & recommended next steps on Top 10 opportunities for Capture (client receives full report)

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Engagement Includes:
  • Two dedicated d8 resources

  • Allnecessary Data/ Business Intelligence pulls/ research

  • (d8 Group) sifting individually through 2,500+ opportunities from multiple sources on behalf of client, manually, one-by-one, to find the top fit opportunities (prior to presenting the client with the initial set of “Identified Opps”)

  • Collaborative sessions with the client to narrow the opportunity pipeline funnel and provide coaching and counseling along the way

  • Final report set up with prioritized deals, key capture element columns, teaming, capture recommendations on top opportunities

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Capture Lite Support

  • On 10 mutually agreed upon top deals per month, d8 group will:

    • Outreach all Contracting Officers to further qualify the deal – 9 key questions d8 attempts to clarify on behalf of the Client

    • Populate list of potential teaming partners/competitors based on comprehensive research of high pWin fits

    • Populate the prospective government customer call plan

    • Outreach to high pWin partners for teaming discussions

    • Provide Business Intelligence research anddocuments for the top 10 deals—RFI’s, PWS, articles, etc

    • If applicable, create andlaunch “Expiring 8(a) Campaigns”

    • If applicable, create and launch “8(a) SoleSource Campaigns”

  • Monthly reports showing progress with measurable metrics

  • Final out brief—summary of top 10 deals, and Capture/Progressenacted on each to move the opportunities forward

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Engagement Includes:
  • Provide bi-weekly meetings/progress updates

  • Provide two to three key d8 Group team members to support the client

  • Training/ coaching/collaboration with client 

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Hourly Surge Growth Resources

Client chooses the needed resource from the list above and contacts d8 Group for availability. Resource will support client for agreed upon period of time, specific project, and within the authorized number of hours per month.

  • Resources include proposal writers, capture managers, solution architects, graphics artists and more...

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Proposal Writing & Management

We leave no stone unturned using d8's proprietary methodology to comb the federal and state landscape, thereby giving you the most highly vetted, highest fit and most winnable pipeline of opportunities. By knowing what you are going to bid 6 to 36 months in advance you increase your odds of beating your competition, reduce wasted time and maximize your investments of time and resources.


Brand Amplification Services

In today’s digital playground you can’t afford to be left behind. Image, Online persona matter more than ever before. Networking is no longer just in conferences. Control how industry and government see you, your firm and your team.

Position yourself as a thought leader in your technology or other domain.

Aggressively control your narrative... or be forgotten.

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